Photos depicting the Division of Education

School of Professional Studies

Division of Education

Welcome to the Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Division of Education web page. We are pleased that you have chosen to explore our education programs. Our faculty members are talented teachers and scholars who enjoy and excel in utilizing effective instructional strategies. Our courses are grounded in faculty-student interaction and real-life field experiences.

The Division of Education is committed to helping teacher education candidates, students, and educators meet the high standards expected of higher education institutions and public/private schools today. This site provides information about NWOSU’s education programs, services, expectations, and initiatives to all who are interested in Northwestern’s education community.

Education programs offered include: agriculture, early childhood, elementary, English, health/sports science, math, music, natural science, social science, and special education. If a particular program is compatible with your future goals or sparks your interest, please feel free to contact us for additional information. We will be happy to connect you with a faculty member in your area of interest or to arrange for an on-campus visit. Let us assist you in this enjoyable educational journey in which you are about to embark!


Education Preparation Provider Mission Statement:

“We create teachers through practical experience, intentional instructional design, and a commitment to inclusive communities.  Driven by continuous learning and improvement, we strive to develop educators who can evolve their practices to meet the ever-changing needs of education and society”


Information Request Form


Teachers Closet

Literacy Center

Graduate Studies

Alternative Certification


Dr. Jen Oswald
Chair, Division of Education
Associate Professor of Education

Northwestern - Alva
Education Center 205C
Phone: (580) 327-8451



Student Spotlights

Natasha StocksNatasha Stocks, Enid, OK, Senior, Elementary Education

I have had the honor of working toward an Elementary Education degree at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. At first I was unsure what I wanted to major in, but after experiencing the education program at NWOSU, I was ecstatic about my decision. The professors are always willing to help, small class sizes make interaction with peers easier, and there are many opportunities to receive scholarships. Every person in the education department has helped me understand the importance of a good educator. I chose Northwestern because I wanted to receive the best preparation to become an amazing educator. 

See other Education Student Spotlights

Degrees Offered


The Division of Education, an integral part of the NWOSU Teacher Education program, offers majors in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education and Special Education, as well as providing routes to certification for the following secondary programs:  Agriculture Education, English Education, Health & Sports Science Education, Math Education, Music Education, Natural Science Education, and Social Science Education.

The Division of Education also provides guidance for the Masters of Education programs of Educational Leadership - Principal and Superintendent Certification, Reading Specialist, School Counseling, and Curriculum & Instruction.

See the Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog for more details regarding any of our programs.

Study Materials 




The Northwestern Oklahoma State University Educator Preparation Program (EPP) is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The EPP site visit was held in November 2019 with full accreditation at the initial (undergraduate) and advanced (graduate) levels granted in April 2020 by CAEP. Accreditation by the state of Oklahoma was granted in July 2020 by the Oklahoma Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability. The next accreditation site visit for the NWOSU EPP is fall 2026.

The following education programs at Northwestern Oklahoma State University are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the following Specialized Professional Associations:

CAEP Accreditation Information

InTASC Alignment with TLE (Teacher Leader Effectiveness)

CAEP Accountablility Measures

Measure 1 (Initial) (R 4.1): Completer Effectiveness

Measure 2 (Initial & Advanced) (R 4.2; R 5.3; R A4.1): Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement

Measure 3 (Initial & Advanced) (R 3.3): Candidate Competency at Completion

Measure 4 (Initial & Advanced): Ability of Completers to Be Hired (In positions for which they have been prepared)

Oklahoma State Reports

TEAMS (Teacher Education Assessment Management System)

Title II 


Scholarship opportunities are available for students in this department.

Inspired to Teach application only needs to be completed one time.  This is the only scholarship that automatically renews as long as you meet the criteria.

Use the Division of Education Scholarship Application Form to apply for foundation/departmental scholarships by February 15.

Departmental scholarships available in this area and more can be found at, including numerous miscellaneous unspecified scholarships.

Current students have until March 15 for academic scholarships using the Continuing Student Scholarship Application.

All incoming freshmen or transfers are encouraged to fill out their respective scholarship forms: Freshman Scholarship or Transfer Scholarship, which should be submitted along with the Application for Admission to the University. The incoming freshman deadline is May 15, while the transfer student deadline is July 15.

Students also should complete the FAFSA form at

For more information, please visit Scholarships

Background Check, OGET Loan Application

Departmental Program Highlights

  • Division of Education highlightsGraduates highly sought by school districts in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas, because they are well-prepared to meet the needs of PK-12 students
  • “Signing bonuses” available in most school districts upon signing a contract
  • All faculty members at NWOSU have PK-12 experience in the areas in which they are teaching
  • Numerous opportunities for students to connect courses with experiences in PK-12 classrooms
  • Teachers Closet provides opportunities for NWOSU students to have access to professional clothing for interviews & on-site classroom teaching at no cost
  • Northwestern offers the Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship and Employment Incentive Program (Inspired to Teach) that offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn scholarships and benefits up to $25,500
  • Paraprofessional to Degree program available and a Fast Track progam with NOC offered 

Advisory Board

Advisory Board Charge

The charge of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Division of Education Advisory Board is for its members to use their expertise and skills in the field of education to guide the Division in matters related to its purpose as an educator preparation provider.  The members of the Advisory Board will be representative of the stakeholders with whom the Division collaborates in candidate preparation. 

Advisory Board Members 2023-2024

Mrs. Reba Gregory, Principal Fowler Early Childhood Center, Enid Public Schools, Enid, Oklahoma

Jarrod Johnson, Superintendent, Drummond Public Schools, Drummond, Oklahoma

Jeremy Brashears, Superintendent, Alva Public Schools, Alva, Oklahoma

Delaney Lambert, undergraduate representative, Senior English Education major, Alva, OK

Megan Brown, graduate student representative, Educational Leadership candidate, 5th grade teacher and technology coach at Liberty Elementary, Ponca City, OK


Student Learning Outcomes

Early Childhood Education Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Promoting Child Development and Learning. Candidates use their understanding of young children's characteristics and needs, and of multiple interacting influences on children’s development and learning, to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for all children.
  2. Building Family and Community Relationships. Candidates know about, understand, and value the importance and complex characteris tics of children’s families and communities. They use this understanding to create respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families, and to involve all families in their children's development and learning.
  3. Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families. Candidates know about and understand the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment. They know about and use systematic observations, documentation, and other effective assessment strategies in a responsible way, in partnership with families and other professionals, to positively influence children's development and learning.
  4. Teaching and Learning. Candidates integrate their understanding of and relationships with children and families; their understanding of developmentally effective approaches to teaching and learning; and their knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement, and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for all children.
  5. Becoming a Professional. Candidate s identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate knowledge able, reflective, and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are
  6. informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies.

Elementary Education Student Learning Outcomes


  • 1.0 Development, Learning, and Motivation -- Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to development of children and young adolescents to construct learning opportunities that support individual students’ development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation.


  • 2.1 Reading, Writing, and Oral Language — Candidates demonstrate a high level of competence in use of English language arts and they know, understand, and use concepts from reading, language and child development, to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills and to help students successfully apply their developing skills to many different situations, materials, and ideas.
  • 2.2 Science — Candidates know, understand, and use fundamental concept of physical, life, and earth/space sciences. Candidates can design an implement age - appropriate inquiry lessons to teach science, to build student understanding for personal and social applications, and to convey the nature of science;
  • 2.3 Mathematics — Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts and procedures that define number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability. In doing so they consistently engage problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation;
  • 2.4 Social studies — Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts and modes of inquiry from the social studies — the integrated study of history, geography, the social sciences, and other related areas — to promote elementary students’ abilities to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world;
  • 2.5 The arts — Candidates know, understand, and use — as appropriate to their own understanding and skills — the content, functions, and achievements of the performing arts (dance, music, theater) and the visual arts as primary media for communication, inquiry, and engagement among elementary students;
  • 2.6 Health education — Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts in the subject matter of health education to create opportunities for student development and practice of skills that contribute to good health;
  • 2.7 Physical education — Candidates know, understand, and use — as appropriate to their own understanding and skills — human movement and physical activity as central elements to foster active, healthy life styles and enhanced quality of life for elementary students.


  • 3.1 Integrating and applying knowledge for instruction — Candidates plan and implement instruction based on knowledge of students, learning theory, connections across the curriculum, curricular goals, and community;
  • 3.2 Adaptation to diverse students — Candidates understand how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning, and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse students;
  • 3.3 Development of critical thinking and problem solving — Candidates understand and use a variety of teaching strategies that encourage elementary students’ development of critical thinking and problem solving;
  • 3.4 Active engagement in learning — Candidates use their knowledge and understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior among students at the K - 6 level to foster active engagement in learning, self motivation, and positive social interaction and to create supportive learning environments; 
  • 3.5 Communication to foster collaboration — Candidates use their knowledge and understanding of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the elementary classroom.


  • 4.0 Assessment for instruction — Candidates know, understand, and use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction that will promote continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each elementary student.


  • 5.1 Professional growth, reflection, and evaluation — Candidates are aware of and reflect on their practice in light of research on teaching, professional ethics, and resources available for professional learning; they continually evaluate the effects of their professional decisions and actions on students, families and other professionals in the learning community and actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally.
  • 5.2 Collaboration with families, colleagues, and community agencies — Candidates know the importance of establishing and maintaining a positive collaborative relationship with families, school colleagues, and agencies in the larger community to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, physical growth and well-being of children.

Special Education Student Learning Outcomes

1. Foundations

  • Special educators understand the field as an evolving and changing discipline based on philosophies, evidence - based principles and theories , relevant laws and policies, diverse and historical points of view, and human issues that have historically influenced and continue to influence the field of special education and the education and treatment of individuals with exceptional needs both in school and society. Special educators understand how these influence professional practice, including assessment, instructional planning, implementation, and program evaluation. Special educators understand how issues of human diversity can impact families, cultures, and schools, and how these complex human issues can interact with issues in the delivery of special education services. They understand the relationships of organizations of special education to the organizations and functions of schools, school systems, and other agencies. Special educators use this knowledge as a ground upon which to construct their own personal understandings and philosophies of special education.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the program is preparing candidates. 

2. Development and Characteristics of Learners

  • Special educators know and demonstrate respect for their students first as unique human beings. Special educators understand the similarities and differences in human development and the characteristics between and among individuals with and without exceptional learning needs (ELN). Moreover, special educators understand how exceptional conditions can interact with the domains of human development and they use this knowledge to respond to the varying abilities and behaviors of individual’s with ELN. Special educators understand how the experiences of individuals with ELN can impact families, as well as the individual’s ability to learn, interact socially, and live as fulfilled contributing members of the community.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the preparation program is preparing candidates.

3. Individual Learning Differences

  • Special educators understand the effects that an exceptional condition can have on an individual’s learning in school and throughout life. Special educators understand that the beliefs, traditions, and values across and within cultures can affect relationships among and between students, their families, and the school community. Moreover, special educators are active and resourceful in seeking to understand how primary language, culture, and familial backgrounds interact with the individual’s exceptional condition to impact the individual’s academic and social abilities , attitudes, values, interests, and career options. The understanding of these learning differences and their possible interactions provides the foundation upon which special educators individualize instruction to provide meaningful and challenging learnin g for individuals with ELN.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the program is preparing candidates.

4. Instructional Strategies

  • Special educators’ posses a repertoire of evidence - based instructional strategies to individualize instruction for individuals with ELN. Special educators select, adapt, and use these instructional strategies to promote positive learning results in general and special curriculaand to appropriately modify learning environments for individuals with ELN. They enhance the learning of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills of individuals with ELN, and increase their self-awareness, self-management, self-control, self-reliance, and self-esteem. Moreover, special educators emphasize the development, maintenance, and generalization of knowledge and skills across environments , settings, and the lifespan.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the program is preparing candidates.

5. Learning Environments and Social Interactions

  • Special educators actively create learning environments for individuals with ELN that foster cultural understanding, safety and emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and active engagement of individuals with ELN. In addition, special educators foster environments in which diversity is valued and individuals are taught to live harmoniously and productively in a culturally diverse world. Special educators shape environments to encourage the independence, self-motivation, self-direction, personal empowerment, and self-advocacy of individuals with ELN. Special educators help their general education colleagues integrate individuals with ELN in regular environments and engage them in meaningful learning activities and interactions. Special educators use direct motivational and instructional interventions with individuals with ELN to teach them to respond effectively to current expectations. When necessary, special educators can safely intervene with individuals with ELN in crisis . Special educators coordinate all these efforts and provide guidance and direction to paraeducators and others , such as classroom volunteers and tutors.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the preparation program is preparing candidates.

6. Language

  • Special educators understand typical and atypical language development and the ways in which exceptional conditions can interact with an individual’s experience with and use of language. Special educators use individualized strategies to enhance language development and teach communication skills to individuals with ELN. Special educators are familiar with augmentative, alternative, and assistive technologies to support and enhance communication of individuals with exceptional needs. Special educators match their communication methods to an individual’s language proficiency and cultural and linguistic differences. Special educators provide effective language models and they use communication strategies and resources to facilitate understanding of subject matter for individuals with ELN whose primary language is not English.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of language for and with individuals with ELN through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the preparation program is preparing candidates.

7. Instructional Planning

  • Individualized decision-making and instruction is at the center of special education practice. Special educators develop long-range individualized instructional plans anchored in both general and special curricula. In addition, special educators systematically translate these individualized plans into carefully selected shorter-range goals and objectives taking into consideration an individual’s abilities and needs, the learning environment, and a myriad of cultural and linguistic factors. Individualized instructional plans emphasize explicit modeling and efficient guided practice to assure acquisition and fluency through maintenance and generalization. Understanding of these factors as well as the implications of an individual’s exceptional condition, guides the special educator’s selection, adaptation, and creation of materials, and the use of powerful instructional variables. Instructional plans are modified based on ongoing analysis of the individual’s learning progress. Moreover, special educators facilitate this instructional planning in a collaborative context including the individuals with exceptionalities, families, professional colleagues, and personnel from other agencies as appropriate. Special educators also develop a variety of individualized transition plans , such as transitions from preschool to elementary school and from secondary settings to a variety of postsecondary work and learning contexts. Special educators are comfortable using appropriate technologies to support instructional planning and individualized instruction.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the preparation program is preparing candidates.

8. Assessment

  • Assessment is integral to the decision-making and teaching of special educators and special educators use multiple types of assessment information for a variety of educational decisions. Special educators use the results of assessments to help identify exceptional learning needs an d to develop and implement individualized instructional programs, as well as to adjust instruction in response to ongoing learning progress. Special educators understand the legal policies and ethical principles of measurement and assessment related to referral, eligibility, program planning, instruction, and placement for individuals with ELN, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Special educators understand measurement theory and practices for addressing issues of validity, reliability, norms, bias, and interpretation of assessment results. In addition, special educators understand the appropriate use and limitations of various types of assessments. Special educators collaborate with families and other colleagues to assure nonbiased, meaningful assessments and decision-making. Special educators conduct formal and informal assessments of behavior, learning, achievement, and environments to design learning experiences that support the growth and development of individuals with ELN. Special educators use assessment information to identify supports and adaptations required for individuals with ELN to access the general curriculum and to participate in school, system, and statewide assessment programs. Special educators regularly monitor the progress of individuals with ELN in general and special curricula. Special educators use appropriate technologies to support their assessments.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the preparation program is preparing candidates.

9. Professional and Ethical Practice

  • Special educators are guided by the profession’s ethical and professional practice standards. Special educators practice in multiple roles and complex situations across wide age and developmental ranges. Their practice requires ongoing attention to legal matters along with serious professional and ethical considerations. Special educators engage in professional activities and participate in learning communities that benefit individuals with ELN, their families, colleagues, and their own professional growth. Special educators view themselves as lifelong learners and regularly reflect on and adjust their practice. Special educators are aware of how their own and others attitudes, behaviors, and ways of communicating can influence their practice. Special educators understand that culture and language can interact with exceptionalities, and are sensitive to the many aspects of diversity of individuals with ELN and their families. Special educators actively plan and engage in activities that foster their professional growth and keep them current with evidence-based best practices. Special educators know their own limits of practice and practice within them.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the preparation program is preparing candidates.

10. Collaboration

  • Special educators routinely and effectively collaborate with families, other educators, related service providers, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways. This collaboration assures that the needs of individuals with ELN are addressed throughout schooling. Moreover, special educators embrace their special role as advocate for individuals with ELN. Special educators promote and advocate the learning and wellbeing of individuals with ELN across a wide range of settings and a range of different learning experiences. Special educators are viewed as specialists by a myriad of people who actively seek their collaboration to effectively include and teach individuals with ELN. Special educators are a resource to their colleagues in understanding the laws and policies relevant to Individuals with ELN. Special educators use collaboration to facilitate the successful transitions of individuals with ELN across settings and services.
  • Beginning special educators demonstrate their mastery of this standard through the mastery of the CEC Common Core Knowledge and Skills, as well as through the appropriate CEC Specialty Area(s) Knowledge and Skills for which the preparation program is preparing candidates.

Alternative Placement (Certification) Program

NWOSU Plan of Study for Individuals Seeking
Alternative Teaching Certification

Northwestern Oklahoma State University supports individuals seeking alternative certification and strives to prepare individuals for success as educators.  The Division of Education provides classes through the Curriculum and Instruction graduate program, which is designed to meet the needs of those who are alternatively or emergency certified.  (No prior educational knowledge expected.)

Individuals can:

  1. Elect to take individual courses at the graduate level from the Curriculum and Instruction plan of study to meet additional coursework required for certification by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.  
  2. Complete a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, which provides a deeper understanding of teaching through the study of curriculum and pedagogy.  In addition to being better prepared to teach, the completion of the master’s degree places an individual in a higher earning bracket on the salary schedule. 

Either option will meet the state’s alternative certification requirement.


Master of Education~ Curriculum and Instruction Option

Required Core Subjects (10 hours):

  • EDUC 5010 Graduate Study Seminar (during 1st semester of graduate work)
  • Research: EDUC 5933 Classroom Research & Institutional Effectiveness (must be taken within the first 9 hours of coursework) 
  • Foundation: EDUC 5203 Educational Practices +
  • Psychology: EDUC 5212 Psychology of Teaching +
  • Diversity: EDUC 5822 Multicultural Education  +

Concentration Courses (17 hours)

Emphasis in Curriculum Leadership

  • EDUC 5093  Curriculum and Instruction for Special Learners +
  • EDUC 5222 Advanced Educational Psychology +
  • PSYC 5183 Human Growth and Development +
  • EDUC 5352 Behavior Intervention Strategies +
  • EDUC 5043 Instructional Design & Pedagogy+
  • EDUC 5244 Spanish for ESL Pedagogy+
  • Area of Emphasis (Select minimum of 7 credit hours)
  • EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching +
  • EDUC 5772 School and Public Relations +
  • EDUC 5231 Advanced Assessment Design +
  • EDUC 5221 Advanced Educational Technology +
  • EDUC 5403 Advanced Developmental Reading - Primary OR +
  • EDUC 5413 Advanced Developmental Reading - Intermediate/Secondary +
  • EDUC 5423 Foundations of Literacy +

Total Hours - Minimum 34 hours required

+ These courses meet the Oklahoma State Department of Education's (OSDE's) professional requirements for those who currently have an OSDE alternative teaching certification and are pursuing a standard certificate. Individuals must work directly with OSDE to complete their certification process. 


To apply for the alternative certification program (housed in NWOSU's graduate studies department):

1. Apply for Admission or Readmission to NWOSU

  • Send in official transcripts
  • Complete immunization form
  • All official E-transcripts must be submitted by the issuing institution to Sheri Lahr at or Teri Warren at to be considered official.  Mail official transcripts to NWOSU-Registrar 709 Oklahoma Blvd.  Alva, OK 73717

2. Apply to Graduate Studies Alternative Certification Program of Study.  This application requires two documents to be uploaded.  If you do not have one, simply upload the same one twice or a blank document.

3. Once accepted to the university and graduate studies, meet with Dr. Jen Oswald, program advisor, for individual advisement and plan of study.

For questions or more information, please contact:

Dr. Jen Oswald 580-327-8451  


State Licensure Information

The Division of Education is currently working to comply with the US Department of Education's regulation requirements (34 CFR 600.9(c)(2).  For questions regarding certification in states other than Oklahoma, please contact

Natalie Miller, Assistant Certification Officer, 580-327-8441

Jen Oswald, Chair, Division of Education, 580-327-8451

Inspired to Teach Scholarship

What is the Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship and Employment Incentive Program?

Inspired to TeachThe OK Future Teacher Scholarship and Employment Incentive Program ("Inspired to Teach") offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn scholarships and benefits. Program participants may have the opportunity to earn up to $25,500 as they complete their Educator Preparation Program and teach in Oklahoma.


  • Graduate from high school, home school, or earn a GED.
  • Meet higher education admission standards at:
    • A public or private Oklahoma university with an accredited Oklahoma teacher education program, or
    • A community college with an approved articulation agreement with an accredited Oklahoma university teacher education program.
  • Declare a major in an accredited Oklahoma university teacher education program with a degree leading to a standard teaching certificate, or declare a major at a community college with an approved "Inspired to Teach" articulation agreement with an accredited Oklahoma teacher education program leading to a standard Oklahoma teaching certificate.
  • Be enrolled as a full-time (12 credit hours per semester) undergraduate student each semester of eligibility in the program.
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and a minimum 2.5 GPA throughout matriculation.
  • Prior to entry into the "Inspired to Teach" program, the student shall agree to complete the Oklahoma teacher preparation education program and agree to teach in an Oklahoma public prekindergarten through 12th grade (PK-12) school for a minimum of five (5) consecutive years upon graduation and licensure as a teacher.

To request an application, please contact Dr. Jen Oswald, Chair of the Division of Education and Associate Professor of Education, at (580) 327-8451 or Students who have completed an application and been accepted into the Inspired to Teach program will not need to complete a new application every year.

NWOSU Inspired to Teach Flier

Inspired to Teach Agreement Form

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

© 2008-2024 Northwestern Oklahoma State
University. All Rights Reserved.

Mission Statement

Northwestern Oklahoma State University provides quality educational and cultural opportunities to learners with diverse needs by cultivating ethical leadership and service, critical thinking and fiscal responsibility.

Proud Member of RUSO