Campus Safety
Northwestern’s Campus Police are dedicated to providing a safe, secure campus environment for all students, employees and visitors. The NWOSU Police Department consists of full-time and part-time, commissioned police officers as well as a special team of trained students who function as Campus Safety Officers (CSO), assisting in basic security, quality of life, and safety-oriented activities, as they assist the Department’s police officers.
The Campus Police office is centrally located in the Student Center, within easy walking distance to or from any location on campus. The office is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and an officer is always available and on-call. If you find the door closed, a police officer or CSO may be reached immediately by calling 580-327-8511.
Campus police officers are here to help with the prevention of crime through security checks, foot and motor patrols, escort service and more. Efforts are also given to crime intervention and prevention, with all reported crimes being investigated. Offenders are dealt with through the county court system and/or Northwestern’s administration, as deemed appropriate.
Confidential Crime Tip Line
(580) 327-8196
Leave information anonymously via voice recording on a 24-hour basis.
Campus Police Officers
(580) 327-8511 - Alva and Woodward
(580) 213-3130 - Enid
Emergency Numbers
911 (9 – 911 from campus extension)
Alva Police Department Dispatch
(580) 327-2121
Enid Police Department Dispatch
(580) 242-7000
Woodward Police Department Dispatch
(580) 254-8518
Dennis Kilmer
Chief of Police
Northwestern Alva
(580) 327-8511
Sharon Batchelder
Police Officer - Enid campus
Northwestern – Enid
(580) 213-3130
Condry Carnott
Police Officer
(580) 327-8511
Police Officer
(580) 327-8511
Adam Barlow (part-time)
Police Officer
(580) 327-8511
Emergency Text Message Alert System
Northwestern has installed an alert system that utilizes text messaging services via cell phones to alert students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency.
Students and employees are automatically entered to receive email and text notifications to the phone number on file. If they would like to make changes, they can go to https://nwosu.bbcportal.com/ and create an account.
Depending on the type of plan you have with your provider, you may incur minimal costs for any text messages you receive.
If you have questions, please send an e-mail to caricke@nwosu.edu listing your cell phone number. A member of the Information Technology staff will then register your information and contact you to verify that your number works correctly.
Crime Prevention & Safety Tips
It is Northwestern’s policy to lock the doors of buildings that are not in use. Some buildings on campus are left with access until late hours as students are allowed to remain in the building at the request of some departments. Dorm rooms, offices and restricted access areas should be locked by the user on a presumption that the building is accessible.
Campus police provide escort services on campus at anytime by calling (580) 327-8511 to arrange for assistance.
A few quick tips for personal safety and property security:
Report strangers and don’t trust them.
Avoid getting into vulnerable/no exit places.
Do not hesitate to call police when confronted by persons.
Keep house or residence hall room locked.
At night, walk in groups of at least 2.
Walk with confidence and avoid walking near bushes and parked cars.
Use the escort program and familiarize yourself with the emergency telephone numbers or use 911.
When parking, remove valuables from plain view and lock your vehicle.
Engrave your valuables with driver’s license or social security number and record serial numbers.
Record the account numbers or make copies of credit cards and other valuables in wallet or purse.
Write name and ID number in several places in text books.
Do not leave books, book bags, musical instruments, coats or other items in unsecured places.
Lock bicycles in bicycle racks.
Report all incidents and losses to the police immediately.
When serious crimes occur on or off campus that are considered to be a threat to the campus community, such information will be provided to the faculty, staff and students. The medium for this information could be the cell alert system, campus newspaper, faculty/staff newsletters, or in special instances, specific notices to on-campus residents. Such notices may be posted on residence hall entrance doors, campus bulletin boards and notices in residents’ and employees’ mail boxes.
Health & Safety Office
The Health and Safety Office is dedicated to the safety of students, faculty and staff. This office is in charge of fire protection, OSHA compliance, training, and writing safety policies, just to name a few.
If you have any safety concerns or questions, please contact:
Aaron Vermillion
(580) 327-8650
NWOSU Alert Plan
Tragic events such as the shootings at Virginia Tech University have rightfully led all higher education institutions in this country to review or develop new plans for dealing with an armed intruder on campus.
Immediately following the shootings at Virginia Tech, Northwestern implemented additional security measures, including restricting dorm access. We also began the process of developing formalized plans to deal with situations where an armed intruder was on campus at any of our three locations.
The new plans are based upon three action steps to ensure maximum safety for all employees and students. These three actions steps are:
1. Reporting the intruder and declaring a lockdown
2. Activating the campus alert system
3. Actions by employees and students
A major component of our plan is the campus Emergency Text Message Alert System that will provide employees and students emergency information via text message on personal cell phones, as well as on television monitors in all ITV rooms and an alert siren.
Students and employees are automatically entered to receive email and text notifications to the phone number on file. If they would like to make changes, they can go to https://nwosu.bbcportal.com/ and create an account.
Depending on the type of plan you have with your provider, you may incur minimal costs for any text messages you receive.
If you have questions, please send an e-mail to caricke@nwosu.edu listing your cell phone number. A member of the Information Technology staff will then register your information and contact you to verify that your number works correctly.
Reporting the Armed Intruder and Declaring a Lockdown
Anyone who sees an armed intruder on campus is asked to report the suspect to campus police or other law enforcement officials at the following telephone numbers: Alva Campus – (580) 327-8511, (580) 430-5114 or 911 Enid Campus – (580) 213-3130, (580) 541-0895 or 911 Woodward Campus – (580) 254-8518, (580) 256-3264 or 911.
When reporting an armed intruder, please provide as much information as possible on the intruder, such as clothing worn, types of weapons and exact location of the intruder. Once law enforcement officials receive the report, the process of ordering a campus lockdown will commence and local law enforcement officials will immediately converge on campus. Only the campus affected will be placed on lockdown.
Activating the Campus Alert System
Following the declaration of a lockdown, the campus alert system will be activated. Lockdown text messages will be sent via personal cell phones and the lockdown order will be flashed on all television monitors in ITV rooms. Assigned faculty and staff will begin the process of locking down all buildings on the campus affected. Employees and students will be given updates, including the status of classes and an “all clear” message when movement on campus is safe.
Testing the Campus Alert System
Testing of the Campus Alert System, texting, ITV system, alert siren and web page, will be done once annually by activating all of the systems including sending out a test message. The test message alert will be tested monthly. Actions by Employees and Students First, students are asked to obey all commands given by employees or through the campus alert system. During an incident on campus that forces a lockdown order, students should remain in the classroom or building until told to leave. Students with special needs will be assisted by faculty or staff. Faculty and staff should secure classrooms and offices, close blinds and turn off room lights. Students should be moved away from doors or windows, remaining calm and quiet until the “all clear” message is given by campus police.
On the Alva Campus, residence hall staff will secure all doors in Ament, Coronado, Fryer and South Halls. Residents are asked to stay in their rooms and lock their doors.
Students and employees should remember that many campus buildings could be considered crime scenes and that tampering or disturbing evidence is prohibited.
The goals of Northwestern’s response plan are to protect the lives of students and employees. In the event of an incident on campus, the University will work closely with local law enforcement to secure the campus in a quick and thorough manner. Understanding the elements of our response plan, providing the campus alert system access to your personal cell phone number, obeying all commands and remaining calm will increase your safety in the event of an armed intruder on campus. Students and employees also are asked to report any suspicious activity or behavior that could prevent such an incident.
Questions regarding Northwestern’s armed intruder plan should be directed to the following officials:
Calleb Mosburg
Dean of Student Affairs
(580) 327-8415
Police Chief
Student Center, Northwestern-Alva
(580) 327-8511
Kelsey Martin
Director of Marketing and University Relations
Second Floor, Herod Hall
(580) 327-8478
Craig Ricke
Director Information Technology
Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
When comparing crime at Northwestern Oklahoma State University to other institutions of similar size, you will find Northwestern's crime rate to be one of the lowest. The following are the actual reported crimes at Northwestern for your review.
Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
The statistics include the Enid and Woodward campuses that were acquired July 1, 1996. The crime statistics that are reported here are those that occurred within the jurisdictional boundaries of campus. They do not include "off campus" private housing, which are within the city police jurisdiction. They do include arrests made and property recovered by the city police or the county sheriff's department for crimes that occurred within the jurisdictional boundaries of Northwestern. Crime statistics for the city are available from the police department where the campus is located.
Although we believe that our low incidence of crime will continue, this report is not intended to give a false sense of security. Students and employees need to know that crime can and will occur, but that prevention efforts can be effective in reducing the opportunities for criminal activity. You play a key role in our prevention efforts. Be cautious, careful and alert to your own safety and protection of your and the university's possessions. Please exercise crime prevention in part as determined in its tab.
Alcohol & Other Drugs
As set forth in local, state and federal laws, and the rules and regulations of the Regional University System of Oklahoma (RUSO), Northwestern Oklahoma State University prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs in buildings, facilities, grounds or other property owned and/or controlled by the University or as a part of the University activities.
No alcoholic beverages, including 3.2 beer, is allowed on the Northwestern campus, including dorms, fraternities, sororities, fieldhouse, and stadiums, no matter what your age or student status.
In accordance with RUSO policy, drug and alcohol laws are vigorously enforced on the Northwestern campus. Violators are subject to Northwestern administrative action and/or criminal prosecution in the District Court.
University Counseling Services has a counselor available and can suggest rehabilitation programs for students or employees. Seeking help from, being referred to or from these services, is confidential, and will not alone result in disciplinary action.
Please refer to the Northwestern Drug Free Policy Statement Brochure for more information.
Parking & Traffic Guide
Information on parking and traffic rules and regulations can be found at Parking and Traffic Guide.
Need a Parking Decal? Fill out our online forms below:
Reporting Gas Leaks
If at anytime you are on campus and detect the odor of natural gas, contact the Health and Safety Office at extension 8650.
If you are unable to reach anyone at this number, please contact the Physical Plant at extension 8646.
After 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday or on Saturday or Sunday, please call the emergency paging system at 327-8655.
Weather Info / Severe & Tornado Procedures, Winter Weather
When a warning siren is activated: If outside, move indoors as quickly as possible. Move to interior hallway, basement, or tunnel. Avoid upper floors, large glassed areas and windows. Stay out of auditoriums and exterior walkways. Stay away from electrical appliances. Use the telephone for emergency calls ONLY. Stay calm and alert. Call Campus Police at extension 8511 or the Health and Safety Office at extension 8650 to report any damage. Call 911 to report any injury.
More information at Severe Weather / Tornado Procedures
More information at Winter Weather Information
NWOSU Police Department's Primary Functions
Protecting Safety of Students, Faculty, Staff and Guests/Security of Facilities
- Foot and Vehicle Patrol
- Crisis Intervention
- Responding to Life-Threatening Emergencies
- Building and Facility Security
- Crime Prevention
- Intelligence-Gathering
- Protecting Visiting Dignitaries and Special Events Audiences
- Safety Education of Students, Faculty and Staff
- Traffic Enforcement
Law Enforcement
- Enforcing Laws and Applicable University Regulations
- Investigating Crimes Committed Within NWOSU PD Jurisdiction
- Drug Interdiction and Enforcement
Quality of Life Enhancement
- Parking Enforcement
- Courtesy Services (Door Unlocks, Motorist Assists, etc.)
- Courtesy & Safety Golf Cart Escort
- Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention