Online Programs
Northwestern Oklahoma State University provides online education opportunities to help you reach your educational goals. Use the links below to learn more about our online bachelor's degree programs in Business Administration, Accounting, and Technical Management, as well as our Nursing RN to BSN or our DNP degree programs. You may also find information about Reach Higher degree-completion programs.
If you do not find the information you are looking for, please contact Jake Boedecker, our Director of Online Services at jgboedecker@nwosu.edu or the respective contact within the information for each degree program link.
Software programs you will use for online classes will include Blackboard, Self-Service, and your Northwestern email. Check your respective app stores for access to a Blackboard App.
Mission Statement
Northwestern Oklahoma State University's Online Learning Program provides access to affordable, quality educational opportunities, thus providing an avenue for students to attain certain academic goals.
Business Programs
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) - major in Accounting or Business Administration
Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) - major in Technical Management (including the Alternative Energy option)
For information on prequisites to all of our business programs, see Section X in the Undergraduate Catalog.
More information also is available on the Online Business Programs webpage.
For additional information contact:
Dr. Garret Lahr
Chair, Division of Business
Jesse Dunn 222
(580) 327-8512
Nursing & Doctoral Programs
An innovative program at Northwestern for RNs to complete their BSN online! Nursing Courses online - no campus visits necessary! High quality, convenient to YOUR schedule and liberal course transfers!
For additional information contact :
Dr. Leslie Collins
Associate Professor of Nursing
Chair of the Division of Nursing
(580) 327-8489
A new program to prepare DNPs who can become certified Family Nurse Practitioners in their home communities and surrounding areas without first earning a Master's Degree.
For additional information contact :
Dr. Courtney Ballina
Assistant Professor of Nursing
DNP Program Director
Reach Higher Programs
Organizational Leadership/Flex-Finish
Innovative programs at Northwestern for you to complete your bachelor’s degree online! Courses online – no campus visits necessary!
Reach Higher Program at Northwestern
For additional information contact:
Dr. Jerry Gustafson
Professor of Business, Reach Higher Advisor
Northwestern-Enid Campus
(580) 213-3184 or cell: (580) 402-1664
Online Exam Proctoring
Northwestern Online Course Exam Proctoring Policy (PDF)
Exam proctoring request forms and more information can be found on the Distance Learning website.
Students enrolling in online courses are responsible for proctoring fees that may be associated with the online course exams.
Note: Northwestern students traveling to a Northwestern campus (Alva, Enid, or Woodward) for a proctored exam are not assessed a proctoring fee.
Coordinate access to appropriate services for online students.
Provide support to our faculty, staff and students.
Ensure the quality of all online courses.
Support teaching and learning through the use of technology.
Enhance and maintain Northwestern's status as a quality education institution.
Online Education Complaint Process
Northwestern Oklahoma State University seeks to maintain the highest standards of integrity and fairness in our relationship with students. We desire to resolve student complaints, grievances and concerns in an expeditious and fair manner.
Students are asked to use the Student Complaint Form to file a complaint or the Student Grievance Form to file a grievance. The form will be completed online and electronically submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management:
Mr. Calleb Mosburg
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
709 Oklahoma Blvd.
Alva, OK 73717
Students taking online courses from Northwestern who wish to file a complaint or resolve a grievance should follow the University's Student Complaint or Grievance procedure as outlined in the Student Handbook. In the unlikely event that an issue cannot be resolved by the University, students may file a complaint with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education or the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. Students are urged to exhaust all possible internal avenues for resolution before filing a complaint with an external agency.
ADA Information
Any student needing academic accommodations for a physical, mental or learning disability should contact the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at (580) 327-8414 within the first two weeks of the semester so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged.
For more information, visit our ADA Services page.
Technical Requirements for Online Courses
Broadband Internet Access
2 GB RAM (minimum)
1.3 GHz Processor (minimum)
20 GB hard drive (minimum)
Windows 10 or higher
Web Browser (Firefox Stable Channel Release, Chrome Stable Channel Release)
Microsoft Office 2016 Suite or higher
Adobe Reader
** There may be additional requirements for specific classes.
Keys to Student Success in Online Courses
Online courses can be an effective and rewarding way to meet your educational goals while allowing some flexibility in your schedule. Success in these courses, however, will require a certain amount of time and dedication. Here are a few tips to help you decide if an online course will be right for you.
- Online courses take a lot of time. Expect to spend at least as much time working on an online course as you would for an on-campus course (it likely will require more time).
- Read the syllabus carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand the course expectations. If anything is unclear, ask for clarification.
- You must read the assigned text. Keep notes as you read. If there are points you do not understand, ask your instructor for clarification.
- Active participation in the course is crucial. A discussion board or other avenues of interaction will be required in an online course. Your participation will be required.
- Do not fall behind. Staying current in your online course is of the utmost importance. Playing catch-up is difficult in any course, but is even more difficult in an online course.
- Discipline is a must. Do not allow yourself to get distracted from your work in an online course. Plan ahead. Set a schedule for yourself and stick to it.
- It is your responsibility to have the computer skills necessary to be successful in an online course. If you do not have those skills, you might want to reconsider taking the course online.
- You must be able to effectively communicate in writing. The online learning environment primarily utilizes written communication. You should be clear, detailed and succinct in your written communication. You must also be willing to share your personal experiences, questions, thoughts, opinions, etc. with your classmates and your instructor.
- The burden for learning and success is on you. Your instructor cannot make you learn. The instructor can design the course and provide the appropriate material to assist you in learning. But you, and only you, control whether or not you actually learn anything. This means you must take the initiative to ask the instructor questions if you do not understand a point. You must engage your classmates in meaningful discussion. You must take the time to read the chapters and compete all assignments and exams. You need to read the syllabus carefully to make sure you understand what the expectations are. Then, you must have the drive to fulfill those expectations.
Credit Hour Definition
Northwestern adheres to the policy of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education when defining the credit hour.
The semester-credit-hour is the standard and traditional unit of credit to be used by institutions in evaluating student’s educational attainment and progress. Semester-hour of credit is calculated as follows:
- One semester-hour of credit is normally awarded for completions of a course meeting 800 instructional minutes, (50 minutes per week for sixteen weeks), exclusive of enrollment, orientation, and scheduled breaks. Organized examination days may be counted as instructional days.
- Laboratory credit is normally awarded at a rate not to exceed one-half the instructional rate. One semester-hour of credit is normally awarded for completion of a laboratory meeting a minimum of 1600 minutes (100 minutes per week for sixteen weeks).
- Instruction offered through a combination of class and laboratory meetings would normally observe the standards set for the above on a pro rata basis. For example, a course offered for four semester-hours of credit might meet for 100 minutes of organized instruction plus 200 minutes of laboratory per week for 16 weeks.
- Block or alternative course schedules may also occur within the dates set forth for a semester or summer session. Courses offered during academic terms shorter than a semester will observe the same academic standards involving instructional hours per semester-credit-hour as those courses offered during a standard academic semester.
There are alternatives to reliance on time-in-class as the basis for determining academic credit-hours earned. The achievement of academic credit-hours should be linked to demonstrated student learning either through regular class assignments and evaluations or demonstration of competencies.
When determining the appropriate academic credit for non-traditional or accelerated format courses, institutions must adhere to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Handbook of Accreditation standards. The HLC requires institutions to assess rigorously student attainment as a result of the courses they take. Institutions offering courses in accelerated or other non-traditional formats are expected to be especially diligent in documenting that students in these courses master the skills and knowledge expected of students in traditional courses.
Online Education Committee
Online Education Committee
Mr. Jake Boedecker, Director of Online Services
Dr. James Bell, Vice President for Academics Affairs
Dr. Steven Maier, Dean of Faculty
Dr. Wayne McMillin, Dean of the Enid Campus
Mr. Craig Ricke, Director of Information Technology
Dr. Jonathan Thomason, Dean of the Woodward Campus
School of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Roxie James, Associate Professor of English
Dr. Kylene Rehder, Professor of Social Work
Dr. Jenny Sattler, Associate Professor of Physics
School of Professional Studies
Dr. Garret Lahr, Assistant Professor of Business
Dr. Christie Riley, Associate Professor of Education
Dr. Krista Tilley, Assistant Professor of Nursing