If you are new to Northwestern and have not logged into Self-Service yet, please do that before attempting to login to Blackboard.
Instructions for logging into Self-Service
Your username is your full email address. So, if your name is John B. Doe and your student ID is 0012345, your username will be jbdoe45@rangers.nwosu.edu (all lower case).
Your password will be the same password you established on Self-Service. This password will be used for Blackboard, Self-Service, and your University email. If you would like to reset your password, log into Self-Service, click your username in the upper right, then click “Change Password.” This will change your password for Blackboard, Self-Service, and your University email. Note: when your change your password in Self-Service, it may take up to 30 minutes for the password to update in Blackboard and email.
Detailed login instructions for Blackboard
Please review the online testing tips below before attempting an exam on Blackboard.
We recommend that you use a recent version of Chrome or Firefox with Blackboard. Use the Safari browser only on devices with the macOS or iOS operating systems. Internet Explorer is not a supported browser.
If you need help with Blackboard, email help@nwosu.edu or call (580) 327-8181.
Helpdesk hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
email monitored
If you need help accessing your email, please read the step-by-step instructions. If you need assistance with your email, contact Dalton Moser at ddmoser@nwosu.edu or (580) 327-8611.
Online Testing Tips
1. Make sure your browser is compatible with Blackboard. The following browsers are compatible with Blackboard and we strongly recommend that you use one of these:
Google Chrome (Stable Channel Release)
Firefox (Extended Support Release)
Safari 6 (MAC Only)
2. Consider cleaning up your browser before you begin.
Turn off toolbars such as Google, Delicious, and "Yahoo!"
Make Blackboard a trusted site in your Internet Browser.
Turn off popup blockers, or allow popups from bboard.nwosu.edu and nwosu.blackboard.com.
Clear your browser's cache and delete temporary internet files.
3. Use a hard-wired internet connection if at all possible. Remember that online testing is completely different from regular web browsing. Your computer must remain connected to our server for the entire duration of your exam, and even the smallest disconnect (that you may never even notice otherwise) will cause your exam to terminate. Wireless connections can drop offline. Satellite internet will almost certainly drop your connection, even if the wind is not blowing. Any device that creates internet from a cell phone signal will almost certainly result in a lost connection. Find a computer with a reliable internet connection to take your exams.
4. NEVER DOUBLE CLICK. Double-clicking either Save Answer, Next Question, or Submit buttons may cause an error.
5. NEVER USE YOUR BROWSER'S BACK BUTTON. Use only buttons provided in the exam window to navigate the exam. Using the browser's buttons could cause the exam to terminate.
6. NEVER USE THE BACKSPACE KEY. If your cursor is outside of a text box area, the backspace key will cause an exam to terminate. It is advisable to use the delete key if you need to delete text while taking an exam.
7. If you have technical difficulty, contact your instructor and the helpdesk immediately.
Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor Information
Your instructor may give you the option of using the Respondus Monitor system to take an online exam. Respondus Monitor records the visual, audio and desktop aspects of your exam environment. Please take some time to review the information on this webpage prior to using the Respondus Monitor system. You do not need an account to take an exam via Respondus Monitor.
- You will need a web camera, microphone, and a sufficient internet connection (specifically, upload speed) to take exams using the Respondus Monitor system.
- You will need a PC running Windows 10 or 11, or a Mac running macOS 10.12 or higher.
- A PC will need 75 MB of permanent space on the hard drive and a Mac will need 120 MB of permanent space.
- You will need to download the Respondus LockDown Browser to your computer in order to use Respondus Monitor. It is a free download from the Respondus Monitor website.
- Select a location where you are comfortable having a video recording taken of yourself and your workspace environment. This area should be free of distractions and interruptions.
- Turn off all other devices (e.g. tablets, phones, second computers) and place them outside of your reach.
- Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and also that you've allotted sufficient time to complete it.
- Clear your desk or workspace of all external materials not permitted - books, papers, other devices.
- Remain at your computer for the duration of the test.
- If the computer, Wi-Fi, or location is different than what was used previously with the "Webcam Check" and "System & Network Check" in LockDown Browser, run the checks again prior to the exam.
- To produce a good webcam video, do the following:
- Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims.
- Ensure your computer or device is on a firm surface (a desk or table). Do NOT have the computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you) are likely to move.
- If using a built-in webcam, avoid readjusting the tilt of the screen after the webcam setup is complete.
- Take the exam in a well-lit room, but avoid backlighting (such as sitting with your back to a window).
Helpful Links
Respondus Monitor Student Quick Start Guide
Respondus Monitor Video Overview
How to Install LockDown Browser Video Tutorial
Video Tutorial for Installing LockDown Browser on a Chromebook
Download Respondus LockDown Browser
Getting Help
- The Windows and Mac versions of LockDown Browser have a "Help Center" button located on the toolbar. Use the "System & Network Check" to troubleshoot issues. If an exam requires you to use a webcam, also run the "Webcam Check" from this area.
- 24/7/365 Live Chat Support is also available from the Help Center, or from within the "it's not working" troubleshooter.
- Respondus has a Knowledge Base available from support.respondus.com. Select "LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor" as the product to view helpful articles.
- If you're still unable to resolve a technical issue with LockDown Browser, go to support.respondus.com and select "Submit a Ticket." Provide detailed information about your problem and what steps you have taken to try to resolve it.