School of Arts & Sciences
Natural Science Faculty
Pictured above are the men and women who are the faculty in the Department of Natural Science.
Dr. Jenny Sattler, Chair
Chair, Department of Natural Science
Associate Professor of Physics
Department of Natural Science
Phone: (580) 327 - 8568
Email: jasattler@nwosu.edu
Office: SC 107-B
Laboratory: SC 108 and SC 110
- Ph.D. East Carolina University (Biomedical Physics) 2013
- M.S. East Carolina University (Medical Physics) 2013
- M.S. University of North Dakota (Physics) 2005
- B.S. University of North Dakota (Physics) 2003
Courses Taught:
- General Physics I and II
- General Astronomy
- Radiation Biology
- General Physical Science
- Earth and Space Science
- Modern Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Nuclear Physics
- Optics
Research/Scholarly Interests:
- Cancer biology
- Radiation biology
- Astronomy
Northwestern Roles/Activites:
- BEST Robotics
- Science Fair
- Study Abroad
Dr. Adam Alber
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Department of Natural Science
Phone: (580) 327 - 8559
Email: amalber@nwosu.edu
Office: SC100A
Dr. Nicholus Ledbetter
Assistant Professor of Biology
Department of Natural Science
Phone: (580) 327 - 8673
Email: nmledbetter@nwosu.edu
Office: SC 201-A
- Ph.D. University of Tulsa (Biology) 2021
- B.S. University of Central Arkansas, Conway (Biology) 2016
Courses Taught:
- General Zoology
- Natural History of the Vertebrates
- Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
- Mechanisms of Animal Development
- Animal Physiology Lab
- Cell and Molecular Biology Lab
Research/Scholarly Interests:
- Macroevolution
- Evolutionary Morphology
- Evolutionary Development
- Phylogenetics
- Limb Reduction
- Herpetology
Career Highlights:
- Authored Seven Publications
- Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at Kansas State University
- Research Grant from the American Museum of Natural History
- Herping aka catching/observing reptiles and amphibians
- Nature photography
- Video/trading card games
Dr. Rasika Mohottige
Assistant Professor of Physics
Phone: (580) 327-8566
Office: SC201B
E-Mail: rnmohottige@nwosu.edu
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rowan and Rutgers University, New Jersey (2018–2021)
- Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics, 2018
- MPhil in Condensed Matter Physics, 2012
- B.S. in Physics, 2006
Courses Taught:
- Classical Mechanics
- Physics I
- General Physical Science
- Earth and Space Science
Research and Scholarly Interests:
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Nano Physics and Nanotechnology
- Thin Films
- Solar Cells (CIGS, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells)
- Biomechanics in cricket
Current Research:
- Focused on enhancing the efficiency of CIGS solar cells by exploring environmentally friendly alternatives to CdS
- Analyzing the biomechanics of cricket to improve player performance, enhance training techniques, and reduce injury risk
Selected Publications (Peer-Reviewed Journals):
- Mohottige, R. N., Farndale, M., Coombs, G. S., Saburhhojayeva, S. (2024). "Numerical Analysis on the Effect of n-Si on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Based Thin-Films for High-Performance Solar Cells by 1D-SCAPS." Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 14(5).
- Mohottige, R. N., Kalawila Vithanage, S. P. (2021). "Numerical Simulation on New Device Architecture for CIGS Based Thin-Film Solar Cells Using 1D-SCAPS Simulator." Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry, 407.
- Pathirana, S., Mohottige, R., Oncel, N., Cakir, D., Siriwardana, D. (2021). "CrSi2 Crystallites on Si (110)." Surface Science, 703.
- Mohottige, R. N., Banerjee, S., Oncel, N. (2018). "Coulomb Blockade and Negative Differential Resistance at Room Temperature: Self-Assembled Quantum Dots on Silicon(110) Surface." Surface Science, 677.
- Fatima, I., Oguz, C. I., Cakir, D., Hossain, S., Mohottige, R. N., Gulseren, O., Oncel, N. (2016). "Physical and Electronic Properties of Iridium-Silicide Nanowires on Si (001) Surface." Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 095303.
- Mohottige, R. N., Oncel, N. (2015). "Iridium-Silicide Nanowires on Si (110) Surface." Surface Science, 641, 237.
- Playing Cricket
- Traveling
- Outdoor Activities
Dr. Venkata Moorthy
Professor of Biology
Phone: (580) 327-8565
Fax: (580) 327-8556
Office: SC 201C
E-Mail: vmmoorthy@nwosu.edu
- PhD - Mycorrhizal Interactions, University of Oklahoma
- MS – Botany, University of Mysore, India
- BS - Botany, Zoology and Chemistry, St. Philomena’s College - affiliated to Mysore University, India
- 12.5 years teaching experience at St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore, India
- 4.5 years of teaching experience at University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
- 23 years of teaching experience at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Alva, Oklahoma
Courses Taught:
- BIOL 3315 Microbiology
- BIOL 4115 Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology
- BIOL 4323 Immunology
- BIOL 4213 Virology
- BIOL 4233 Human Parasitology
- BIOL 4273 Mycology
- BIOL 4470 Independent Study
- BIOL 3352 Genetics Lab
- BIOL 3174 Plant Physiology
- BIOL 4214 Ecology
- BIOL 1124 Botany
- BIOL 4021 Senior Seminar
- BIOL 4001 Junior Seminar
Research/Scholarly Interests:
- Mycorrhizal Fungi-Plant interactions
- Bacteria and Human interactions
Career Highlights:
- Educators Leadership Academy; Outstanding professors Academy Award: 2008-2009
- John Barton Distinguished teaching and Service Award: 2009
- Oklahoma Higher Education Excellence in Teaching Award(NESU): 2010
Family Information:
Spouse: Sudha Moorthy, Director at Tiny steps Montessori Preschool, Alva, Oklahoma
Daughter: Dr. Ganga Moorthy, Pediatrician at Duke Medical Center, Durham NC
Son: Gagan Moorthy, Senior at University of Oklahoma
- Gardening
- Yoga
- Traveling
Favorite Quote:
“Study without thinking is worthless; thinking without study is dangerous” – Confucius.
Motto I Live By:
“But better to be hurt by the truth than comforted with a Lie” - Khaled Hosseini
Dr. Piper Robida
Assistant Professor of Biology
Phone: (580) 327-8563
Office: Science Building 100-D
E-Mail: parobida@nwosu.edu
- Ph.D., University of South Carolina School of Medicine (Biomedical Science) 2017
- B.S., Metropolitan State College of Denver (Biology) 2011
- 2018-2019 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology, North Central College
- 2017-2019 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Allergy and Immunology
- 2012-2017 Teaching Assistant, University of South Carolina, Department of Biological Sciences
Courses Taught:
- Human Anatomy (BIOL 3184)
- Human Physiology (BIOL 3194)
- Cell & Molecular Biology (BIOL 3363)
- Pathophysiology (BIOL 4503)
Research/Scholarly Interests:
- Mast cell biology
- Allergy and Immunology
- Atopic dermatitis
Career Highlights:
- American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Travel Scholarship (2019)
- Southeastern Regional Lipid Conference, Travel Scholarship (2016)
- SC-INBRE Bioinformatics Pilot Project Grant – Co-PI (2014)
- Rocky Mountain Branch – American Society of Microbiologists, Presentation Award (2012)
- Cooking
- Homesteading
- Traveling
- Outdoor activities
Dr. Jason Wickham
Professor of Chemistry
Department of Natural Sciences
School of Arts and Sciences
Science Building 100-C
(580) 327-8560
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Washington University in Saint Loius (WUSTL) 2007-2008
- Ph. D of Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Oklahoma (OU) 2007
- B. S. of Chemistry from Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) 2002
Courses Taught:
- Chemistry for Non-Majors
- General Chemistry I
- General Chemistry II
- Classical Chemical Analyzes
- Instrumental Chemical Analyzes
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry I
- Physical Chemistry II
- Chemistry Seminar
Research/Scholarly Interests:
- Iodine quantity and distribution in brine waters
- Solid Polymer Electrolyte materials
- Nanomaterials
- Surface modification chemistry
Career Highlights:
- OCAST research and development internship project grant - 2017
- Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Partnership Award - 2017
- OCAST research and development internship project grant - 2014
- Native American artifact and history
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Baseball
- Restoring cars
University Clubs/Professional Organizations:
- Co-Sponsor of the Chemistry Club
- Member of the American Chemical Society
- Treasure of the Oklahoma Section of the American Chemical Society