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Education Fair opportunity set for education majors Oct. 14

October 7, 2019

Education employers seeking employees have an opportunity to go right to the source by attending the fall 2019 Education Fair at Northwestern Oklahoma State University-Alva on Monday, Oct. 14, in the Student Center Ballroom from 10 a.m. to noon.


Northwestern to close for Fall Break Oct. 17-18

October 4, 2019

Employees and students at Northwestern Oklahoma State University will be able to enjoy a few days off and out of classes as the university will close for fall break on Thursday, Oct. 17, and Friday, Oct. 18.


Social Work Virtual Reality Open House set for Friday, Oct. 25

October 3, 2019

Northwestern Oklahoma State University Department of Social Work continues innovating with new and unique ways to educate its students.


Dr. Eric Schmaltz Presents at Museum in North Dakota

October 2, 2019

Dr. Eric Schmaltz, chair of the department of social sciences at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, recently presented at the Prairie Village Museum in Rugby, North Dakota.


Northwestern business instructor selected to attend AICPA’s 2019 Leadership Academy

October 1, 2019

Jana Walker, instructor of business at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, is one of 38 Certified Public Accounts to be honored recently by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) as a member of the Leadership Academy’s 11th graduating class.


Miss Oklahoma 2019 Addison Price to emcee Northwestern’s Miss Cinderella Pageant on Oct. 25

October 1, 2019

Serving as emcee at Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s 68th Miss Cinderella Pageant is Miss Oklahoma 2019 Addison Price. Price will lead the pageant on Friday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. in Herod Hall Auditorium during the annual Homecoming week events.


Disbursements increasing at Campus Cabinet food pantry; Woodward campus having food drive for its own pantry

September 30, 2019

The need for assistance with food, personal hygiene products and bedding at Northwestern Oklahoma State University continues as weekly disbursements at the Campus Cabinet Food Pantry have increased in its second semester of operation.


'Arsenic and Old Lace' to Share Family Secrets at Northwestern Oct. 3-5

September 27, 2019

“No family tree is without its nuts,” explains Mickey Jordan, director of Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s upcoming theatre production of “Arsenic and Old Lace.”


‘I Love Yarn Day’ Crochet Lesson Planned for October 12

September 27, 2019

A Beginners’ Crochet Lesson is being offered to those interested at Northwestern Oklahoma State University as well as anyone in the community who would like to attend in celebration of “I Love Yarn Day.”


Kelsey Martin named Director of Marketing and University Relations

September 20, 2019

Northwestern Oklahoma State University President Dr. Janet Cunningham has appointed Kelsey Martin of Alva as Director of Marketing and University Relations. Martin is expected to begin her duties in October.