Honors Program
Course Rotation
Honors courses' general education substitution rotation is as follows:
FA 2022: Social Science (Politics, Writers, and Society)
SP 2023: Natural Science (Biology In The Movies)
FA 2023: Humanities (Images of World Revolutions in Art, Literature, and Philosophy)
SP 2024: Humanities (AI in the Classroom)
FA 2024: Social Science (TBD)
SP 2025: Natural Science (TBD)
FA 2025: Humanities (TBD)
SP2026: Humanities (TBD)
Previous Course Descriptions
Images of World Revolutions in Art, Literature, and Philosophy, Fall 2023, Dr. Robert Vest
In this course, we will explore historical revolutionary movements and their impact on world culture, including literary production, popular cultural forms, and film. Using theoretical frameworks from Arendt, Marx, Weber, and Hegel, among others, we will strive to understand the concept of revolution in their particular contexts and to the human condition. Of particular interest will be the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution(s), the Spanish Civil War, and the Mexican Revolution.
Biology in the Movies, Spring 2023, Dr. Piper Robida
An exploration of biological concepts as presented in both nonfictional and fictional films. Upon successful completion of Biology in the Movies, students will be able to validate biological facts and themes presented in popular films and apply knowledge of biology to real-world situations.
Politics, Writers, and Society, Fall 2022, Dr. Aaron Mason
Students will explore the factors, conditions, and people who have contributed to the unique traditions and circumstances creating America’s distinctive political culture, political institutions, and political life. Related to this, students will examine some of the major events, important personalities, and the key documents and speeches given by various American leaders that have combined to create the American Political Experiment. Also, the course will examine the role played by key American and non-American authors and artists and how their respective works have served to guide and direct the development of American politics and its leaders throughout the years. We will also consider the intersection of values and the Western tradition and how these values are represented in both the art and politics of the American political experiment. This course will also incorporate the study of history, literature, economics, and political science in a holistic and integrated fashion.
Steampunk Culture, Fall 2021, Dr. Roxie James
This course will focus on the current popular genre known as “Steampunk.” Steampunk is a relatively young science fiction and fantasy genre, combining futuristic technologies with historical aesthetics. In this course, we will explore some of the roots of steampunk. Our discussions will revolve around how we use fiction, film, poetry, and culture to (re)imagine both the future and the past.
Physics of Space Travel, Spring 2021, Dr. Jenny Sattler
A study of the major discoveries in astronomy, chemistry, physics, geology, and meteorology with emphasis on understanding and interpreting the science and technology of the twentieth century.
Check out what our current Honors students are up to!
Logan Evans is developing a project that fits her interests and major--the effects of common beverages on teeth. Since the age of 12, Logan has dreamed of being a dentist and her Honors Project reflects this passion. In Spring 2024, Logan will present her findings to the Honors Committee. As she explains in her project proposal: "Porcine teeth will be extracted and the initial weight of each tooth will be recorded. Half of each tooth will then be submerged in various beverages for a total period of four weeks." Logan plans on continuing on to dental school after graduating from Northwestern!
The independent project allows Honors Students to explore academic topics in creative and inventive ways.
Contact us!
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us:
Dr. Roxie James, Chair
Associate Professor of English
Vinson Hall 210
(580) 327-8474