Paying For College
Listed below are costs for those wishing to take classes within our master's degree programs. The costs for our online doctoral program in nursing (BSN to DNP), is located below the master's program costs.
Resident Tuition: $273.75 per credit hour
Non-resident Tuition: $551.75 per credit hour
Various fees will also be charged based on course type. You will be responsible for the cost of any books and supplies required for the courses you are enrolled in.
Non-Oklahoma residents are eligible to receive the GO OK! Tuition Waiver for a portion of the out-of-state tuition cost. All newly admitted students receive the GO OK! Tuition Waiver. Continuing students must maintain a retention/graduation GPA of 3.00.
You will want to fill out the FAFSA form to apply for financial aid (Northwestern’s FAFSA code is 003163).
If interested in living in University Housing, see additional information at Living on Campus.
In-State: $400.00 per credit hour with a one-time online expense of $300.
Out-of-State: $654.00 per credit hour with a one-time online expense of $300.
Summer Residency: $350.00 expense, on the Alva Campus.
The student is responsible for the cost of all books, supplies, liability insurance, and background checks.
(The GO OK! Tuition Waiver program does not apply to the Doctor of Nursing Practice (BSN to DNP) Program.
Financial Aid Estimated Cost of Attendance (includes direct/indirect costs)
The U.S. Department of Education requires that Financial Aid Offices establish a cost of attendance (COA) in calculating your eligibility for financial aid. COA is an estimate of projected costs that a student may incur while attending college. Student budgets are differentiated by residency, classification, and enrollment levels. COA contains both direct costs (tuition and fees, food and housing, books, course materials, supplies and equipment) and indirect costs (transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous personal expenses). Indirect costs are dependent on other factors (example: loan fees are included in your budget but is dependent on whether or not you accept a loan).
Northwestern’s yearly financial aid budget is determined by using estimated tuition and fees, a semi-private room, 12 meals per week, books, course materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, loan fees, and personal miscellaneous expenses for the entire academic year. COA is not actual costs billed from the university Bursar. You cannot take out loans or accept scholarships beyond your cost of attendance.
Graduate Students:
Master’s Program Costs:
Estimate based on 18 credit hours per year, semi-private room each semester, 12 meals per week meal plan per semester, books, course materials, supplies and equipment, and all indirect costs stated above.
Oklahoma Resident: Tuition and Fees $5,760 |
Non-Resident: (does not include GO OK! Waiver) Tuition and Fees $10,764 |
Doctoral Program Costs:
Tuition and fees estimate based on 18 credit hours per year. All other direct and indirect costs are estimated off regular graduate program COA components.
Oklahoma Resident: Tuition and Fees $7,200 |
Non-Resident: (does not include GO OK! Waiver) Tuition and Fees $11,566 |