Third Annual ‘Compassion in Action Dignity Drive’ Underway

November 8, 2018

Compassion in Action Dignity Drive flyer 

The Northwestern Oklahoma State University chapter of the Social Workers Association of Tomorrow (SWAT) organization is accepting donations for personal hygiene products as part of the “Compassion in Action Dignity Drive” at all Northwestern locations until Dec. 7. Donations will be collected and distributed through a local church in Enid at their weekly soup kitchen offerings during the holiday season.

“The Compassion in Action Dignity Drive allows us to give back to our own communities in a small yet meaningful way by providing basic necessities for personal hygiene,” Katelyn Van Vickle, social work senior and SWAT vice president for the Woodward campus, said. “All donations collected go straight to families in need in Oklahoma and that is what putting compassion into action is all about.”

This year SWAT will be gathering donations for United Methodist Circle of Care, a foster care agency serving Northwest Oklahoma. They have identified hygiene product needs for their families that assist children currently in foster care.

“Foster parents often have little notice when a child is coming to their home, and children usually come to homes with very little items,” Raquel Razien, regional program director for United Methodist Circle of Care, said. “Being able to provide these basic hygiene products is one way we can help support these amazing families and children.”

Items needed are shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, baby hygiene products, body lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, lice kits and other personal care items. Donated items can be dropped off at the Northwestern-Enid Commons Area, the Northwestern-Alva Student Center, and the Northwestern-Woodward Commons Area.

For more information concerning the Compassion in Action Dignity Drive, contact Jennifer Pribble, assistant professor of social work, director of field experience, in Enid at (580) 213-3148 or



Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist, 580-327-8480


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