Entry deadline February 26 for art show at Northwestern; New categories added
January 21, 2020

The J.W. Martin Library on the Northwestern-Alva campus will soon have panels of artwork displayed for the 17th annual NWOSU Art Society Art Show. Entries should be submitted no later than Feb. 26.
The entry deadline for forms to be submitted for the 17th annual Northwestern Oklahoma State University Art Society (NAS) Art Show in the J.W. Martin Library on March 8-27 is about one month away. Forms should be submitted no later than Feb. 26. Artwork should be delivered to the library on March 4 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
All Northwestern students, employees, retired employees, and alumni from all campus locations are encouraged to enter.
A special category has been added this year - Food. Entries in this category may be a photo, painting, work on paper, fiber art, quilt, cartoon/comic, digital art or mixed media/collage.
“Many people already take fun photos of their food, so we’re asking you to submit your favorite food photos or works of art in this category,” Angelia Case, art society sponsor, said. “The entry may be a formal still life or something very informal, just be aware that there is a regular category for still life as well. No piece may be cross-entered in multiple categories. I’m hoping for a lot of pieces in this special category and some amazing ones in all the brand new still life categories.”
Case said that this special category is the only one requiring an entry fee, which is one can of food per entry that will be given to the Campus Cabinet food pantry. Those entering this special category may submit as many entries as they want, so if there are three entries, the fee will be three cans of food.
“We wanted to add a fun, new and helpful twist to the show this year, so we added the canned food entry fee to benefit our campus food pantry,” Case said. “We’ll have a donation box available during the show near the display for anyone who would like to contribute when they come to see the show.”
Students and non-students will compete head-to-head for prize money in this special category. Non-students generally will win ribbons for first, second and third while students will win ribbons and prize money -- $15 for first, $5 for second and $2 for third. A Best of Show winner for students and non-students will be selected from among all first-place winners with the student winning a ribbon and $75, and the non-student getting a ribbon. One People’s Choice ribbon and a cash prize of $50 will be given to the student or non-student artist whose work is voted the best by those attending the show.
Other categories that only two items may be entered in are as follows:
- Artisan Crafts (jewelry, pottery, etc.)
- Fiber Arts (crochet, knitting, needlework, etc.)
- Quilting
- Cartoon/Comics
- Digital Art
- Mixed Media/Collage
- Paintings – Watercolor (any subject)
- Paintings – Animals/Creatures
- Paintings - Architecture
- Paintings - Elements of Design
- Paintings - The Figure/Portraiture
- Paintings - Landscapes/Nature
- Paintings – Still Life
- Paintings - All other subject areas
- Works on Paper – Animals/Creature
- Works on Paper - Architecture
- Works on Paper - Elements of Design
- Works on Paper - The Figure/Portraiture
- Works on Paper - Landscapes/Nature
- Works on Paper – Still Life
- Works on Paper - All other subject areas
- Photography will include 11 sub-categories:
- Animals/Creature
- Black and White
- Landscapes
- Cityscapes
- Light
- Elements of Design
- Macro
- People
- Nature
- Still Life
- All other subject areas other than those listed
All art or concepts, including cartoon/comic characters, must be original to the artist. No previously submitted artwork will be allowed. Photo entries must be at minimum 5x7 images that are matted or mounted – no frames. All fine arts entries should be framed or matted and ready to hang. Only three-dimensional work is exempt, and it must be labeled.
A Winner’s Show will take place in downtown Alva during the First Friday Art Walk April 3 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Runnymede.
Entry forms and category descriptions are available online at www.nwosu.edu/art/nas-art-show.
For more information about the art show, please contact Angelia Case, NAS sponsor, at (580) 327-8577 or arcase@nwosu.edu.