22 students pinned in first Division of Education Pinning Ceremony

May 9, 2017

Northwestern's Division of Education first pinning ceremony

Dacia Hudelson, (left) is pinned by her husband, Patrick (right) during Northwestern’s Division of Education’s first pinning ceremony. Education students chose individuals who they felt gave them the most support during their education process to signify their service as teachers to, in turn, support others.

Twenty-two students were pinned Saturday, May 6, during Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s first Division of Education pinning ceremony prior to Spring Commencement.

The ceremony recognized the students, individually, who have completed the teacher preparation program. Each student chose a person who was especially supportive during the educational process to "pin" him or her, signifying the student is now ready to be a teacher who, in turn, is supportive to others.

Students who were pinned and their area of focus included: Scott Batchelder of Orland, California, agriculture education; Brock Buller of Jet, agriculture education; Kent Callison of Mooreland, health and sports science education; Rachael Cunningham of Waynoka, undecided post-graduate; Cecely Franz of Alva, early childhood education; Joshua Frazier of Enid, elementary education; Nikki Gates of Waynoka, elementary education; Tina Green of Enid, elementary education; Kaci Hansen of Hinton, early childhood education; Angela Hasenbank of Bentley, Kansas, early childhood education; Dacia Hudelson of Ponca City, elementary education; Elizabeth Kadavy of Kingfisher, elementary education; John Lazenby III of Glencoe, natural science; Mattie Moore of Harrisonville, Missouri, agriculture; Elizabeth Mouser of Stigler, early childhood education; Lauren Nightingale of Enid, elementary education; Ashlye Pool of Fayetteville, Arkansas, agriculture education; Ashley Porter of Enid, elementary education; Cinthia Rodriguez of Tonkawa, elementary education; Sarah Smart of Alva, elementary education; Alexxis Wright of Enid, elementary education; and Codey Yandell of Fairfax, agriculture education.

More photos from the education pinning can be found at: http://bit.ly/2qW9L46


Contact for Release 
Ali Gavitt, University Relations Specialist 
apgavitt@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480

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